Address all communications to:

The Honorary Secretary
Mr Leon Walker
Windsor & District RSL Sub Branch
PO Box 5600
South Windsor
NSW 2756

Office Phone 0245876934

The office is only staffed on Tuesdays between 2:00pm and 5:00pm, outside of these hours please leave a message.

Executive Contact Details

President Mr Dave Hadfield 0499 995 971
Vice President Mr Col Richards 0409 138 007
Vice President Mr Ian ‘Blue’ Macgregor 0410 103 317
Honorary Secretary Mr Leon Walker 0439 727 768
Honorary Treasurer Mr David Ingram 0423 797 870

Pension Officers

Mr Bill Gore 0490 389 131
Mr Ken White 0415 632 626
Mr Geoff Brand 0418 401 160


Windsor RSL Auxiliary

Coordinator Mrs. D Tumminello 

Deputy Coordinator  Mrs S. McKenzie 


The Windsor Auxiliary General monthly meeting is held on the last alternate Thursday and Sunday of the month at 2:00pm at the Windsor RSL Club.